Hajj Monitoring System

The Hajj Monitoring System, developed back in 2013, has proved to be a great success and has helped improve the monitoring process through feedback and complaints launched via the system. The system serves as a vast complaint registration platform where feedback is collected through three different mediums:

  • Hajj helplines for entertaining inquiries like lost and found items
    • UAN in Pakistan 042-111 PAK HAJJ (042-111 725 425)
    • A toll free number in KSA 800-1166622
  • Android App for complaint registration and feedbacks
  • Online complaint registration portal

Moreover, PITB has enabled MoRA to monitor the entire Hajj process through the Hajj Monitoring System (HMS). The HMS allows:

  • Comprehensive monitoring through a specifically designed dashboard for officers/officials
  • The android App allows MoRA representatives to monitor private Hajj Group Organizers. Previously, monitoring forms were filled manually with little or no verifiable evidence that the concerned official actually went in the field. But through this App, the officials take photographic evidence regarding the monitoring activity.  Moreover, it captures the GPS location and maps the data on the online system  
  • Incident reporting system, which carries a different level of escalation and alert mechanism for the authorities to mobilize and respond accordingly
  • Lost & Found cell operations for reporting a missing/found Haji or his/her belongings along with a full inventory management in KSA