PITB DLIMS Pre-Launch Meeting Held at CPO AJK

April 05, 2024

Inspector General (IG) Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) Dr. Sohail Habib Tajik PSP presided a meeting yesterday with PITB at the Central Police Office (CPO) Muzaffarabd. PITB delegation visiting CPO AJK comprised PITB PD Rai Rashid, Senior Software Engineer Mamoon Sharif and Program Officer Zeeshan Mudassir.  

The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the launch of PITB developed Driving License Information Management System (DLIMS) for the AJK province. In this regard, Project Director Rai Rashid gave a comprehensive presentation on the software and discussed its scope and benefits.

The meeting was followed by a training delivered by Senior Software Engineer Mamoon Sharif and Program Officer Zeeshan Mudassir. Police officials from the 10 Districts of AJK attended the hands-on training that concluded with an interactive Q&A session.

IG AJK Dr. Sohail Habib Tajik PSP appreciated PITB's support and discussed the way forward. The MoU ceremony regarding the implementation of DLIMS PITB and AJK Police will be held soon.